Navitat opened in Asheville, NC in 2010 with our original tree-based canopy tour, the Treetop Tour. In 2014, we added a second tour to our Asheville location, an unprecedented mountaintop zipline tour, the Mountaintop Tour. In July 2015, Navitat opened a totally unique tree-based adventure park at Ijams Nature Center in Knoxville, Tennessee.
With the goal of creating and growing an exceptional brand of tree-based adventure experiences, the Navitat story is just beginning. What will we do next?
We believe that experiencing trees in unique and engaging ways can ultimately thrill, educate and inspire our guests. Our partners include industry experts committed to setting the highest standards for safety and guest experience. Navitat’s employees have a passion for people, the special places we call home, and the trees we invite you to explore with us.
We care about what we do. And what we “do” is all focused on trees. We build in trees, we play in trees, we explore trees in fun, unique ways, and we share the trees with the animals and creatures living in them, like our very own Chester A. Corn, Navitat’s Resident Squirrel Ambassador. And so, naturally, we believe we ought to care for the trees—deeply. And we do. From the start, Navitat set out to become the very definition of environmental stewardship within our industry. We work to create a culture that is both knowledgeable and passionate about the places we get to call home, and in doing so, we find that conservation becomes a natural focus. That’s what makes Navitat the official Squirrel-Approved Adventure!
We hire staff that have a personal and natural passion for the outdoors. Many have educational backgrounds that support our efforts, and all of our staff benefit from initial and on-going environmental education and training as a part of their employment with Navitat.
In addition to focusing on staff selection and development, we also give very specific attention to the places we’re lucky to call home. Ultimately, our goal is to leave the land better than we found it. To accomplish this, we have invested in creating, implementing, and growing extensive site management plans that include removal of invasive and exotic plants and treating trees affected by exotic invasive species.
Navitat’s investment in training and developing our staff to be concerned environmental educators and stewards – combined with our extensive site management plans – is a level of commitment you won’t find at any other zipline company. We’re very proud of this distinction and, ultimately, we believe it makes all the difference in the world—in ways that really count!
Navitat is a proud member of the Asheville Convention and Visitors Bureau. Find all of the best trip-planning information at your fingertips at